Example of fees (in Pounds) involved when ordering goods
from the US for import to the United Kingdom:

Source of charge Charge Amount Taxes
Value of goods: £100.00 -
Shipping charges: £15.00 -
New Total Charge Amount: £115.00 -
Import Duty payable at 5% (varies by country) on £115.00: £5.75 £5.75
Base value for Value Added Tax (VAT): £120.75 -
VAT on £120.75 @ 17.5% (varies by country): £21.13 £21.13
Final cost to you when ordering from the US: £141.88 £26.88

  • Please note: customer is responsible for import duties and taxes (VAT) that may be
    due after your package reaches your country's border/customs.

  • Contact your local customs office to verify fees and regulations.

  • Click here for UK customs information.

  • Click here for UK import and exchange rate calculators.

  • Sorry but we can not be responsible for customs delays!